Sunday, 4 February 2018


·      Going through with your actors the locations
·      In future it’s good to be at the location if you’re having problems finishing the script
·      Having the actors put on extra clothes inbetween when they’re needed so there cold
·      The warm drink (coffee) is not only good for drinking to keep warm but having a cup to keep the hands warm

·      Don’t be unclear on the exact time, it can cost
·      Though in February you are not going to film more than an hour
·      In this temperature it is best to have a nearby warm place, best a car with the heating on, and film for 30 minutes with breaks
·      Should maybe have made gloves as part oft the costume, is it still possible to do this?
·      If you have a car it is best to pick people up instead of telling them when to be somewhere

·      Hot water bottles are potentially also very useful

1 comment:

  1. You've yet to publish my comment/s on this. Please do - and reply!
    As discussed, part of this post should be a CLEAR and SPECIFIC breakdown of FINAL shoot scheduling, and how you'll overcome ongoing cold weather which you used as a pretext for not completing filming on this shoot.
    You need to evidence you have responded to the urgency of your situation
    Still want/need to see sample clips from your two shoots so far. Another reminder of how crucial but simple it is for you to generate social media content from all shoots!!!
