Monday, 2 April 2018


How do your products create a sense of branding?

It is common for their to be recurring attributes in the various texts, for example album artwork to be teased in a video (Halsey's Bad At Love)

The locations that are used in the video also feature in the album artwork and in the background of website.

texts are always in a state of production, rather than being products to be quickly consumed. In her view, ideas are not presented as finished, consumable products, but are presented in such a way as to encourage readers to come up with their own interpretation of its meaning. Kristeva’s new semiotics of production thus blurs the distinction between science, or the logical, and language and imagination.
The music video isn't just the final product, the fan fiction and the cosplaying carry on the narrative.


It was my intention to hint that my video would be the start of a series of videos, as has been done recently by Halsey with her album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, always leaving her audience wanting more. This was also done by Guns 'N Roses with their trilogy of videos, and by David Bowie with his concept albums Outside and Blackstar.
Then lead singer is also going to be involved in the narrative, it is hinted at him being at the beginning.
The second video would maybe feature the two characters meeting at that location
The location 
Through the trailer it is confirmed that we are going to see more of these characters.

Character of Sadie (weird, quirky characters signified through costume and make-up)
The make-up is then worn by the fans as a signifier of their fandom of Suede. In retrospect I wish I could have had the band also wearing the make-up in the segments, however even if that had been possible with all five logistically, I'm not sure everyone would have been comfortable with it.
Just like the Pig of the Animal Nitrate video is featured in the single cover, the character of Sadie is on the front cover of the album:
The same way the music video tells the beginning of Sadie's journey.
The images of the locations of the video are the backgrounds of the website.


I tease pictures of urban locations in social media, like photography of graffiti, or tease the locations by saying Location Scouting:


The character of Sadie links to my viral concept:

  • her personality and look is developed throughout the video
  • she's on the album artwork, 
  • is the background of the fan sign-up section of the website (she thereby represents the fans) her costume and make-up can be worn as cosplay by fans, 
  • her image has been used for merchandise
  • fans write fan fiction about her character (also being encouraged by the band, which links back to Brett Anderson really seeing himself as a writer)
The other fictional characters in the narrative can also be used as cosplay opportunities by the audience.

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