Tuesday, 12 December 2017

MUSIC VIDEO THEORY #7 - John Stewart

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  1. The music video has the aesthetics of a TV commercial, with lots of close-ups and lighting being used to focus on the star’s face.
  2. He sees visual reference in music video as coming from a range of sources, although the three most frequent are perhaps cinema, fashion and art photography.
  3. Stewart’s description of the music video as ‘incorportating, raiding and reconstructing’ is essentially the essence of Intertextuality, using something with which the audience may be familiar, to generate both nostalgic associations and new meanings.
The video allows more access to the performer than a stage performance can. The mise-en-scene, in particular, can be used to emphasise an aspirational lifestyle.

Further presentations by students:

•The music video has the aesthetics of a TV commercial, with lots of close – ups and lighting being used to focus on the star’s face.
•He sees visual reference in music videos as coming from a range of sources, although the three most frequent are perhaps cinema, fashion and art photography.
•Stewart’s description of the music video as ‘incorporating, raiding and reconstructing’ is essentially the essence of intertextuality, using something with which the audience may be familiar, to generate both nostalgic associations and new meaning.
•This video allows more access to the performer than a stage performance can. The mise – en – scene, in particular, can be used to emphasise an inspirational lifestyle.

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