Monday, 1 January 2018

MV PLANNING - The protagonist's quirks

Dancing (like Buddha) but mainly like Dave Gahan in Barrel of a Gun
Water bubbles

Dancing at the stones at night (test if night footage is effective, tomorrow), has the same functions as Stone Henge and the Ziggurat. Dance almost in a spiritual way, like summoning this alien invasion (research spiritual dancing).

Notices she is being followed, but takes control of it and lets herself be photographed.

Goes to the campfire and spreads pamphlets (something you could connect with social media). Have simple word or emblem on them. Like: "Rebel" or the name of one of the songs, can then be spread like the 500k bills at the Kraftklub concert.

The normal people behind her bow and sing to lyrics, she is freaked out by them. 

Playing with colourful leaves

Might dream of vandalising art like in Suede's Hit Me video.(in this case just the buckets of paint)

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