Tuesday, 2 January 2018

WEBSITE - A general draft

My first try with just a background image:



  1. There are some basic issues we did go over that you do not seem to have followed.
    Contacts is typically a footer link, not a main page.
    Shop/merch is a crucial page to show grasp of industry AND audience.
    Colour scheme is crucial: your current home image has light and dark strips, so any colour will be hard to see, but your currently blue top links are almost invisible.
    It is good to at least the basic framework being worked on, but review the nature/focus of your main pages; consider how you will HEAVILY feature/push social media; and work on colour scheme (and font/size) before spending further time on individual page content. Your social media content (posting teaser clips etc) should be a central content driver.

    1. The top links are not those I intend to you nor in that order, they are still left over from the Wix template.
      The image is not one I intend to use for the front page, it was just to give a taste of the whole urban branding of my package that, I have a list of locations I want to photograph for that look and want to use in both website and digipak.
