Wednesday, 10 January 2018

TECHS - Gimbal

I did not use a Gimbal in my AS coursework, so I watched this tutorial video made by last year's Media Students Johny and Kristan on the Media TechTipps blog.

This use of steadicam was made famous in the opening film of the archetypal 1978 slasher film Halloween, however was also used in Psycho.

1 comment:

  1. Use this, and your Pshop post above, as single 'hub' posts for ALL posting on either topic, don't start posting lots more on small aspects of each.
    Make sure both are revised to reflect what YOU have done. If you have lots of screenshots, use some combination of embedded video, prezi, PowerPoint to neatly, in a user-friendly way, present your learning.
    Breakdown of actions with dates to evidence the journey - thats what your missing weekly podcast posts are designed to do (accompanied by a short bullet list of points covered in the embedded podcasts)
