Friday, 15 September 2017

CHANGING TRACK #1 - From Picnic By The Motorway to She

  • Gadget of the track on the blog, not hyperlink
  • Music Guardian beneath the blog archive and labels
  • Possible Music Video Influences, Can't see the post title. Use abbreviations, Possible Influences as well.  POSS  INFLUENCES #1 

Not too much. 

Anton Corbhin - Influence of French New Wave  German Expressionism

Camera, key part of the mise-en-scène
Very noticeable, large lense attached 
Look for Final Cut Plugins, which replicate the viewfinder of a camera 

Corbijn mixes signifiers of past and present.
 Archaic, visually striking. Polaroid camera.

Loose narrative.

Someone coming across an album collection in an attic or somewhere else.

Somebody burning photographs, visually very.

Motion comes into play, track two different layers.

Repo Man, directed by Alex Cox
Incorporated Americana, like in Personal Jesus. 

She is better, but blank it, or use it a diegetic interruption.

Image of four walking along the Bridge Clockwork Orange style 

Siouxsie and the Banshees - Happy House. Gothic element
                                             - The Passenger
                                             - Dear Prudence

Balance between narrative and anti-narrative 
Idea that the character is doing things for a purpose, some characters she's interacting with

Journey. Car footage
Motorbike, stick on a GoPro.
Worm's Eye View
Helmet GoPro

"She, walking like a killer"
"She another night another pillow"

Some sense of coherence, pulling things together. 

Brainstorm montage of images, 

Dingy locations

Wedding going on, she interrupts glam element.

Just have the motorbike being started off, or leaving off.

Vignettes for this character. 

How many costume changes?
Google Image of Sioszi 

Difference between guitar and bass?
Bass and drum often go at the same rhythm 

It's No Good
Postmodern Ironic. Sleezy band.

Single performance


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