Friday, 29 September 2017

GENRE RESEARCH #4 - What Is Indie?

In the opening of this three-part documentary, presenter Mark Radcliffe asks what is indie and names three possibilities:
  1. Is it a genre of music generally accepted to involve noisy guitars?
  2. Is it a business model, smaller companies not beholden to major corperations?
  3. Is it a state of mind.
One thing he said was clear was:
the sense of rebellion.
40 years ago, the major companies hat complete control of the labels.


Koop defines it as this:

A genre of alternative rock that primarily exists in the indie underground music scene. The term is sometimes used interchangeably with indie music as a whole, though more specifically implies that the music meets the criteria of being rock, as opposed to indie pop or other possible matchups. These criteria vary from an emphasis on rock instrumentation (electric guitars, bass guitar, live drums, and vocals) to more abstract (and debatable) rockist constructions of authenticity.

Indie Landfill:

Four bands help bring it into commercial success: The Strokes, The Hives, The White Stripes, The Vines

his is there definition of alternative:
Coined in the early 1980s, the term "alternative rock" or "alternative music" was used to describe music that didn't fit into mainstream genres of the time. Alternative styles include indie, post-punk, hardcore punk, gothic rock, college rock and new wave bands.

To do:

*Ask music teacher at school, and if possible old music teacher Mr.Riley*

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