Saturday, 23 September 2017

AUDIENCE THEORY #10 - Subcultural Capital/Pleasures


Question I should ask myself:

Is my music promo package targeted at a particular subculture?  
If so, how am I going to address the various demands of this particular subculture, whether in terms of ideological messages or through the ways in which they present their collective identity in terms of behaviourlocation and costume or even in stylistic terms?

If I am going to use the androgynous image that Suede used, then you could argue I am targeting artists and people who dress like that (Grayson Perry) Though in 2017, how far has gender fluidity come into the mainstream, how strong is the hegemony still? Halsey certainly seems to think it has made improvements, talking of a "socially aware narrative".

Grayson Perry on gender identity:

Further reading:


  1. Interesting - but you don't answer your own questions!!!

  2. 1: you haven't acted on my previous comment
    2: don't use pale font colours, very hard to read
    3: v useful, potentially - IF/ONCE APPLIED

  3. Many months later - my earlier comments remain unactioned; we are working on this NOW - you should be able to use such posts to make this a very easy task, but you still haven't clearly APPLIED the concept: given example/s with write-up/VO of your own to explore how it works with actual examples
