Wednesday, 6 September 2017

MUSICVID #15: Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball


  • Close-ups of the performer
  • Close-ups of the feet

ACT: Miley Cyrus
TRACK: Wrecking Ball
ALBUM: Bangerz 
DIRECTOR: Terry Richardson 
LABEL: RCA Records (owned by SME)
SINGLE?: Second single, still before the full album has been released.


  • Miley Cyrus started her rise to fame through acting in, at the age of 14 being a teenage star in the Disney children's TV series Hannah Montana, which
  • The year after the series started she already released her debut studio album
  • This was the second single of her fourth album, prior to this despite having a loyal following of young female fans, she wasn't well known with male audience

Description of the YouTube Video, promoting links to buy the full album through Amazon or Google Play. Other music videos are mentioned, and Miley Cyrus's website and social media accounts. Despite being able to subscribe on the red button right above, it's stressed again with a link towards the end. 


  • Classic post-feminist vs feminist debate
  • Hammer as Freud's phallic symbol, very explicit sexual acts


31 seconds of close-up:
- Thick, Glossy Red Lipstick, sexual connotation. The Rule Of Thirds is followed as Miley's face is in deep focus.

Following this unconventional long take, there are three short takes for 6 secs.


The male in female make-up is laughable, carrying on the hegemonic image that Miley Cyrus's look is normative for women. Clearly thinks that the hammer is a phallyc symbol

An old man, half naked waist upwards.


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