Thursday, 5 October 2017

ARTIST RESEARCH - The Band's Members


(don't confused him with the American baseball player)
Role: Lead vocalist, 
Doesn't like the culture of pop due to their "Lack of ambition" (1993 documentary tape).

Is very bookish, literature he likes include:

Films he watched:
Jean de Florette & Manon de Sources, "watches them on a loop"

SOURCE: Kate Bush 2014 documentary

Musily influenced by Kate Bush.
I associate this image with some of my favourite songs that I know in my life

Hints that he prefers the remaining songs on an album to the singles:
The second of The Hounds Of Love, that's really where the magic is for me, I mean the first half is a collection of the singles almost, but the second half is...incredible sort of series of songs.
Also likes vinyl, holding Hounds Of Love vinyl.

DRUG ADDICTION, like Bowie and Dave Gahan
Anderson, now 37, looks considerably healthier than you might expect for a man who was addicted to heroin and crack "for ages": "I just really, really enjoyed drugs. I gave up by myself. Didn't go to rehab, just stopped doing it. Did it the hard way, which is the best way, because you feel the pain. You're never going to do it again if you have to go through that pain."


Would it be appropriate to have product placement in the video when this is what he has to say about advertising;
I have a pet hate of advertising. I know I'm as much part of it as anyone, but the cynical level, like McDonalds's manipulating children... I think that's deeply sinister.
Mocking product placement like maybe with tea and other typical British associated objects mocked. Need to find that quote "Advertising is the pornography of capitalism" Also have an overpositive MacDonalds-like advert on screen, brainwash the population with drugs and other positive stuff like in Brave New World.

Is very pro-active, creatively, in this Independent article he said "Suede need to make an album"

Soon to publish memoir, NME report.

Justin Frieshmann says there was something of TS Eliot's Prufrock
"downtrodden Englishman with an incredible kind of romantic interior life"


Guitar, Occasional Pianist Backing Vocalist 
Has another project going (read more here)
Got into the band after Butler left, read about the story here.


Bass player
Today does a lot of the interviews with Brett, is he an untypical base player that has a more 
Brother of BBC broadcaster, presenter of Pointless Richard Osman


MTV interview 
Goes against the stereotype of gay men being flamboyant and effeminate, faced 
Was however vocal when the lowering of the age of consent for LGBT+ people was debated in Parliament, spoke at the House of Commons (watch here)


Keyboardist, Backing Vocalist, Songwriter
In 2008 a YouTuber made multiple UGC tribute videos, before the band got back together 


Justine Frieshman, Look is similar to early Anderson
"I think in the 90s it's very hard to not do music that's self-referential...I think it's impossible to be truly groundbreaking."
Bernard Butler, articles about the two's strenuous relationship:

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