Tuesday, 24 October 2017


Brett Anderson's androgynous look, has gotten tamer over time.

Make him sweaty, increase Female Gaze, like in this live performance

Detail of Suede's costume from a 2002 Guardian review of their album A New Morning:
Dressed in secondhand suits and with casually held cigarettes as a prop.
....Anderson's 6ft frame is as angular as ever but more toned than before, the detail of his muscles showing through a tight black T-shirt. Gone is the jumble-sale chic of the early Nineties; he now pops into Harvey Nichols.
According to this joint interview with Bowie and NME the phrase "jumble sale chic" was used by the tabloids a lot in the early 90s to describe his look, though I've found no articles from the tabloid press (yet) that exemplify this. 
But the fact one of their songs from their third album was named Jumble Sale Mums seems to be a reference to this. 

From that same article a useful quote about Anderson's haircut:
Fiddling with his Bryan Ferry fringe
I agree there are quite distinct similarities with the image of Brian Ferry, another simulacrum:


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