Tuesday, 17 October 2017

POSSIBLE MUSIC VIDEO INFLUENCES #36 - Image stays still in freeze-frame


Not being able to do a still image in my production due to it possibly looking bad is a minor restriction of creativity.

As can be seen in the GIF below after several short takes of Bowie and the backing band an image of Bowie stays still for a while. 

*Insert GIF of 0'15 to 0'16 onwards*

Other examples of images freezing:

- Drum pedals

Earlier there is just a simple still image added in as well 

I could also do this, but it might look like an editing mistake and the audience would think there is a glitch or something wrong and they would take it back would disrupt their viewing.

Bowie was also maybe playing with this common experience of a music video or another piece of film getting stuck on hold, similar to how he ended his Diamond Dogs album with the needle stuck in the groove. on the final track Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family. (For that part click here). 

Something different but kind of similar:

This has an extremely unconventional performance element, where the performers aren't moving but are simply photos. 


02:52, 02:54, 02:56


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