Sunday, 4 June 2017

My favourite music videos

David Bowie -  Valentine's Day

I love how the way this video very subtlety deals with the issue of school shootings, and even has some references I didn't notice until later.
Wanting to avoid using real guns or blood in the video, he and/or the director (though more likely him as the director wanted to introduce a gun) uses cinematography to manipulate the guitar in the mise-en-scène to look like a weapon.

Reference to the NRA slogan: "From my cold dead hands".


George Michael's Outside

The sexual rebellion.

However the representation of lesbians is a little non-existant, is this an example of Full Male Gaze for both heterosexual and homosexual men, divulging in his own fantasy while adding elements of typical heteronormative patriarchic hegemony?

The censored version on YouTube, please be aware graphic material, find the uncensored version on Dailymotion here.

Kendrick Lamar's Alright

This video manages to create a good balance between a dark, gritty, urban setting where Afro-Americans are oppressed by police racism and brutality; but also a more upbeat, celebratory almost danceable tone.

Loïc Nottet's Rhythm Inside

This video represents the issue of the Other (wiki entry) including social classwealthphysical ability.

Halsey's Colors

This video takes the classic and overused narrative of a young teens/20something boy and girl's romance and by the end takes everyone by surprise with a great twist on the love triangle narrative archetype.

Michael Jackson's short film-esque music vids 

The dancing in the music video is very well done.



I like the whole film in the film narrative, quite postmodern.

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