Friday, 16 June 2017

MUSICVID #2: Wiz Khalifa - See You Again


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ACT: Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth
TRACK: See You Again
YEAR: 2015
Only Whiz Khalifa, denoting his status.
ALBUM: OST of Furious 7
DIRECTOR: Marc Klasfeld
GENRE: Hip-hop, Pop-rap
LABEL: Atlantic (owned by WMG)
SINGLE: Yes, for both Khalifa + Puth

This is a common use of music video, as a marketing factor, a trailer for the film, so its questionable whether the video is more a promo for the track or the film, as the music of OSTs are promotion for the film, so it's a promotion of the promotion of a film.
They had done this for the previous film in the franchise, Fast and Furious 6, using montage clips of the five films that had become before(with similiar objectifying women dancing just like in Despacito). The blurring of a line here between trailer and music video.


Establishing shot as the camera moves up (most likely a drone) sets up the location near the sea, but there are no signifiers of the later revealed urban setting

Despite Charlie Puth being the first artist to sing on the track, Wiz Khalifa, with a slightly glorified entrance in the sunshine. This represents him as the more superior artist (which he was/is in terms stage of career, streaming and YouTube hits and audience base)

After 10 seconds, Charlie Puth begins singing and immediately appears on the piano.

Cross-cut with scenes of the film. 

The whole tragic atmosphere of the song to commemorate the death of Paul Walker, the video is a representation of the song which is the representation of the passing of the actor, a simulacra.

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