Thursday, 22 June 2017

ORIGINAL ARTIST VID #1 - Valentine's Day

  • This is an example of how music videos are still released after the full album, so there is less interest in the new music and more in the visualisation, and I also want to hint in my music promo package's website and social media that there are more music videos to come, which will also be intertextually referenced in my digipak artwork

ACT: David Bowie
TRACK: Valentine's Day

ALBUM: The Next Day
YEAR: 2013
GENRE: Glam rock[1]folk rock[2]

  • MAIN AUDIENCE: Bowie hardcore fans, as the wave of interest garnered by the general public will have decreased as this is five months since he released the album proper

    The title and the romantic sounding sound plays to expectations that the song is about the theme of the romantic event.

    There is a diegetic outro as the camera tilts down, and then as we track forward to Bowie the track begins. There is no extra sound at the end.

    Opening shot is a tilting shot going down from a temple. We then cut to inside the temple and see a figure in white with the back turned. Narrative enigma is created, although the core audience and also secondary audience will guess it is the singer, as he does star in his own music videos prominently. The audio from the song then starts with the opening drum beat, called up by the raising of a long object, revealed to be a guitar, as we close in to a tilt shot going down from the head to, as it reaches medium close-up the guitar gets started to being played. The camera then turns to its left around the singer, at the side he looks slightly restrained, gasping breath and restrained, his head going down as we have come to a medium side shot.
    Camera facing Bowie now fully revealed in medium longshot. His facial expression turns into a puppy-like face. Then switch back to medium close-up with Bowie looking down first after having stopped playing, then looks up when he continues playing and starts singing the lyircs. MLS to MS of playing at side again, 0’32


    It’s a curse on his adopted country, a place in which the regular, random slaughter of children is considered the equivalent of some unavoidable act of nature, like a tornado. Hence the song’s title: a day meant to commemorate lovers is some grubby fanatic’s day of indiscriminate judgement.





    1. Most of your posts at this stage are TBC
      before proceeding with yet more, start to tackle these.
      a TBC tag can be useful - untag each post when fully updated

    2. your blog is set to a US time; to publish comments (it should be to moderate, so you read and click before any are published)
