Wednesday, 14 June 2017

MUSIC VIDEO THEORY #1: Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin outlined in the first chapter of his Dancing In The Distraction Factory that there are three major themes he approaches when deconstructing music videos:
  1. first there is the film studies/television studies approach to the topic, which tends to emphasise the visual
  2. second there is the paradigm of postmodernism
  3. and third, there is the problem of textual analysis that has lost its necessary connections with the spheres of production and/or consumption.
Throughout the book he layed these down as the defining traits of music video, many label them as six, though this source as seven:
1.     A relationship between lyrics and visuals (visuals either illustrate, amplify or contradict lyrics)
2.    A relationship between music and the visuals (visuals either illustrate, amplify or contradict lyrics)
3.    Particular music styles have their own video style and iconography (such as live stage performance in heavy rock)
4.    A demand on the part of the record company for lots of close ups of the main artist/vocalist
5.    The artist may develop their own star iconography, in and out of the videos, which, over time, becomes part of their star image 
6.    References to voyeurism , particularly in the treatment of women, but also in   terms of looking (screens within screens, binoculars, cameras, etc)
7.    Intertextual references either to music videos, tv or ads
Post from the blog LONGROADMEDIA:

Genre characteristics looked at in genre examples.


Music video the most intertextual media,
Music videos inspired by contemporary art


  • Social Criticism 
  • Self-Reflexive Parody
  • Parody
  • Pastiche
  • Promotion 
  • Homage


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