Friday, 9 June 2017

MV RESEARCH: Non-Diegetic Titles

  • Need to decide whether to maintain with the lack of any titles that Suede's videos have gone with so far even in the 21st century, or introduce some, and maybe even call it a film by *director name*
  • I feel the design of Francesca Belmonte's titles work

The Pixies's Greens And Blues 
At the beginning 
At the end
Francesca Belmonte's Are You


Having the titles appear one after another in words, here to a drum beat.

I think if I were to use I could also do it at the beginning instead of the end, however it would have to be to a fitting 

Here the director has been made first, as if the music was made more the film, so this reflects the auteur theory more.


However despite the filmmaker being named first and the band not appearing in a visually performative way.


Have no titles, still need to check Night Thoughts.

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