Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Vincent, Davis and Boruszkowski attempted to established a sexism index:

Four levels of sexism:

1. "Condescending"

2. "Keep Her Place" 
3. "Contradictory"
4. "Fully Equal"

(Laura Mulvey would say these are all elements that are pleasing towards a heterosexual male audience, thereby constituting the Male Gaze)

This lead them to one conclusion according to Andrew Goodwin, where they said

Females are portrayed as submissive, passive, yet sensual and physically attractive

Goodwin in his Dancing In The Distraction Factory saw this as highly problematic, as that this one conclusion "is banal", and that they "take no account of the androgynous disruption of masculinity (see Walser, 1989) that occurs in many heavy metal clips.

The three theorists conclude according to Goodwin,

"that rock videos perpetuate social norms so effectively"

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