- The character of the drag as a recurring character, like Bowie's Pierrot, Major Tom + Thin White Duke
TRACK: Attitude
ALBUM: Non-album single, although later released on the compilation album Singles
YEAR: 2003
DIRECTOR: Lindy Heymann
LABEL: Columbia Records (owned by SME)
YES: Yes, as stated above, also later added to the collection of singles
- The final release before the band broke up, it received positive reviews for being the best Suede song in years
- Without the band, because they felt their image maybe wasn't effective enough
- This does not appeal as much to teenage audiences as all their other videos
- The casting of John Hurt as the drag character is most likely due to his early role as Quentin Crisp in The Naked Civil Servant, which would also have been playing when Brett Anderson was a child, he might have seen it
- Hurt is not a big A-List star, but a respected character actor, has Suede going back to a more arthouse style
No titles.
None at the beginning, prolonged silence in the middle
He sings the song in the end, we hear sounds of the street. (parden the pun)
"She give a little bit of attitude" - Body language
"Opening doorways for me" - The moment we get two close-ups of Anderson, giving the song the meaning of the lyrical I being equalled with the author.
"Opening doorways for me" - The moment we get two close-ups of Anderson, giving the song the meaning of the lyrical I being equalled with the author.
Narrative enigma, two forms, making the audience aware of it and then making an apparent anchor which is then disproved. The first with just seeing the feet, you think it's just pure building up, just withhold the second fooling the audience in thinking that John Hurt's character is Brett Anderson through having his back turned to the camera, low-key lighting on him.

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