Thursday, 9 November 2017

NARRATIVE THEORY #7 : Kate Domaille's 8 Narrative Types

From the MANGeR pack:
  1. Achilles: The fatal flaw That leads to the destruction of the previously flawless, or almost flawless, person, e.g. Superman, Fatal Attraction
  2. Candide: The indomitable hero who cannot be put down, e.g. Indiana Jones
  3. Cinderella: The dream comes true e.g. Pretty Woman
  4. Circe: The Chase the spider and the fly, the innocent and the victim e.g. The Terminator 
  5. Faust: Selling your soul 
  6. Orpheus: The loss of something personal The loss of something personal, the gift that is taken awaythe tragedy of loss or the journey that follows the loss, e.g. The Sixth Sense, Born On the Fourth of July 
  7. Romeo + Juliet: The love story e.g. Titanic
  8. Tristan + Iseult: The love triangle Man loves woman...unfortunately one or both of them are already spoken for, or a third party intervenes, e.g. Casablanca 
These can still be seen as patriarchal 

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