Thursday, 23 November 2017

User-Generated Content


  • Selfies of cosplaying, in the make-up of the protagonist in my music video

  • Have a competition that For fan art of lyrics, and the best will be on a T-Shirt for merchandise

Several types of UGC:


This features a montage of various images including from the film The Man Who Fell To Earth (trailer here) and the Berlin Wall

Depeche Mode's A Question Of Lust

This one of Eurythmics's Paints A Rumour includes further UGC, fan art.

This would be a very easy but also CREATIVE way to do an UGC audio video, to create something artistic from the randomness of images like Dadaism

This is art.



I could do something like this, bloopers would be even more invaluable

It opens with the font/logo, the audience spread the branding 

To do:

Compare with Neo + Ruslan's and Olivier + Cristian's vid

Reminds me of this video by The Who


This YouTuber, Just Some Videos, has made a number of montage videos from films, the majority being songs by Lana Del Rey, but also from acts such as Halsey, The Fray


This song Throne being quite fitting for Game Of Thrones (with its video already having a lot images of similar themes and was compared to the show by critics), it has sparked multiple montage videos of the hit HBO fantasy show. 

The footage chosen hasn't been edited that well to the music in this one.





This one smartly starting with a brand of their channel, an intro clip


These focussed on a main character, Jon Snow.


Didn't use the whole song, a minute shorter


Kate Tempest used this montage made by a fan of hers to the themes of political and social degradation in Europe as her official video.

Article by The Independent.


This reminds of the decision to base the 2014 titles of the Doctor Who series on fan-made titles 

The finished one for the show

The original one by billydakiduk:

This can be seen as trend of audience taking part, The Lord Of The Rings fanbase being added to the closing credits of the third film.

This was made by an Iranian filmmaker and refugee in tribute to Elton John.

Is he a fan, is he a director? Convergence

Kate Tempest's Europe Is Lost

Placebo's Running Up That Hill



A compilation of recordings of the audiences from live gigs.

The accompanying text creates a nice link with the audience. Translated it means:

The clip has been edited together from mobile phone videos that have been uploaded by our fans. Only been able now to sit down and get on it, was a huge amount. Thanks very much!
They could be not telling the truth that they edited it themselves, but it does create another nice touch by giving the image/creating the narrative that they have taken the care and time (they didn't do it straight away, they waited till they could do it at a time and in a way they would do it justice by), makes the fans feel closer to them in a way.

Here are example of Depeche Mode fans who have cross-cut existing performance footage of the band (both from videos and live performances) with original footage created by themselves, creating a narrative

From a live studio recording video:

Live performance footage used here


Can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but especially on Pinterest.
*Insert Screenshots Of Precious lyric*


Found this video from a post off the blog of my fellow A2 student, Evie's Lilac City.

Here the YouTuber.


From the Wiki entry on the song:
Sire Records decided to opt for a promotional device in the United States that would involve MTV viewers to make their own videos for "True Blue". In the fall of 1986, MTV asked its viewers to submit their own videos. The contest was known as "Madonna's 'Make My Video' Contest". The winner was awarded a trip to MTV's New Yorkstudio where Madonna presented a $25,000 check live on MTV.[40] Thousands of viewers submitted their recorded tapes which were mainly made using home-made video equipment and featured themselves or relatives as the actors.[41] MTV publicist Peter Danielson said that many of the submissions featured teenagers imitating Madonna. All the entries were shown in a continuous run on MTV as promised. The same song was played over and over for the whole day, but each time with a different video made by the finalists.[42] Author Lisa A. Lewis said that this event emphasized the effect Madonna had on different kind of audiences due to the popularity and response to the contest. MTV selected ten finalists based mainly on a standard of popularity rather than slickness of production or concept creativity.[41]The concepts used in the videos were wide ranging and included a number of different ideas to interpret the lyrical meaning of the song. The final three entries selected, portrayed a fifties-style production referring to the thematic content of the song. The song's narration about "True Love" formed the basis of the rest of the semi-finalist videos but was used in very different ways. The videos were choreographed featuring heterosexual romance, though no particular male or female protagonist was singled out. Some even adopted a kind of literal montage technique rather than structuring the video around a narrative line.[41]The winning entry was by Angel Gracia and Cliff Guest and it showed the female protagonist (played by the director's sister Anabel Garcia) being supported and guided by her girlfriends who introduce her with the male protagonist. The girl even goes to the boy's door to gift him flowers, thereby reversing the usual gender-directed pattern of gift-giving. The male protagonist is portrayed as a "perfect boy" (played by William Fitzgibbon) having the sensibilities like attentiveness, cuteness, playfulness like a friend (after the lyrics "You're my best friend") and not sexual overtones. The video in-turn contrasts him with a self-centered boy who puts on sunglasses, throws his leather jacket over his shoulder and walks away from the girl. Other videos portrayed a girl pining for her sailor, US-Soviet relations and an arguing couple with the girl in a scene inspired by the music video of Tina Turner's 1984 single "What's Love Got to Do with It".[41]


Adam Levine starting off the challenge

Examples of entering the competition:


They did this for their next single too, but this compilation only has the chorus being sung and/or "danced" to.

Choreography tutorial

A choreography tutorial for a remix:


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