Monday, 20 November 2017


Have beginning full of clips of dystopian world (can I really not even add one or two copyrighted images). This is a dream, she wakes up and shakes up the world.
Like the Atraxi showing the world when the Doctor confronts them.

Or instead she is in a world that is both boring, depressing, conformist, and then goes out to find some weird, quirky characters. 
She dreams of the band, could wake up sweaty. And then she goes to the stones were she dreams and dances to them at night, or half-way dark. And when the band is playing at day, she dreams of being with them, also drums on the drums 

Is it too direct/too much, not enough narrative enigma?

Didn't realize where the influence came from of the speeding and waking up from mass flash forward dream, but soon realized it came from the time traveling in Misfits, particicularly the older guy waking up in Alternate Nazi Present, unconscious intertextuality, like the stalking camera in Halsey's Colors vid, but then it took me a bit longer to realize that ;)

Have multiple songs speeded in like at the end of Kendrick Lamar's DAMN. album.

The stuff on Stay Together from 5'00-5'50 would sound  good speeded up like in Misfits and DAMN.

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