Wednesday, 1 November 2017

MV RESEARCH: Directors #1 - Jonas Akerlund

Jonas Akerlund in music video compared to film:
"Three levels of creativity"

Akerlund influenced by horror films 
Akerlund started out doing commercials when it was about to become big in Scandinavia, before they even properly 

He was mainly inspired by big commercial directors:
Jo Pitt, Tony Kaye (article in The Independent, showreel), Jean-Baptiste Mondino, Sean Paul Good

"Very inspired by how they told stories in a short time, there even shorter than music videos, with 30-60 secs"

Go the idea for the Smack My Bitch Up Video.

When shooting Smack My Bitch Up he was holding his back against the door to keep out the angry owners at him filming this violent sexual imagery, threatening to call the police.

The Prodigy rushed him to get a quick edit, which totally ruined the cut he showed them. They didn't want to use the video.

Thinking that the band would never like the video he just went on to finish it to perfection in his image, and added extra diegetic sounds of kicks and glass breaking. Says that back then that was never done, that the artist was too protective of the track (Vernallis being right in these cases of the dominance of the track).

However eight months before Anton Corbjin had done something similar with smashing bottle sounds in It's No Good.

However the band ending up loving the true cut, however it was met with controversy and first restricted then banned from MTV.

Says that the disruption of TRL's Number Ones and the exploding of the internet, music videos seemed pointless and they were about to give up on them..

and then Lady Gaga showed up. She changed how we look at music videos, and how to create a profile for an artist.
This also encouraged them to make really long videos

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