Wednesday, 22 November 2017

MV RESEARCH - Extra Videos


  • Could be officially from the artist or made by Graffiti people, at the Street Art in Lux
  • Through that you tap into a whole market with people maybe being asked to take selfies infront if graffiti that has some sort of rebellious connotations. 

It's common nowadays for there to be more than one video.


It's becoming more and more the trend that next to the live action and/or animated music videos and the lyric videos, that even the official audio videos that are added for when a whole album is released on the Vevo YouTube Channel that there will be some small interesting visual element to engage with the audience.

This would be an interesting way and simple way to create more varied media throughout the website.

The theme of burning goes with the topic of the music video. Just like the young women and her partner who is infected by sacrilege is burned down, the jar is labelled by sacrilege.


Or start with some moving images before sticking with one image. And also as this video goes on, have moving lights on the


The video zooms in at the end, I could do that or instead zoom out to reveal a bigger picture, that 

This is quite similiar


And look, the two artists collaborated together, this video also has similiar effects


Something on loop

*Insert GIF*

Ivy Levan did three in the same style: 




There are even more cases of UGC audio videos.

This YouTuber could have edited the images much quicker and pacier to the song


Avicii released three videos for their single Waiting For Love (in this order).

Lyric Video (May 2

The narrative is very reminiscent of the stage play War Horse (based on a book), which reached a mainstream audience ($177m box office) in 2011, four years earlier.

360 Video

Live Action Video



Based on some of this animated art, these sparks of light


Inspired by Arcade Fire’s Everything Is Now vid, have someone in a retreated, depressed state slowly walk across the street, sit down, and then have the lyrics appear on the screen, like the screen in Suede’s We Are The Pigs vid.
But something more downbeat would be better for that, so don’t have that be the lyric video of Can’t Get Enough.
Could also be the picture for the album title like with Everything Is Now.


Videos dealing with money and decadence, privilege, aim is to get the same feel like The Great Gatsby:

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